Sat Feb 15, 2025 - Welcome to Funny Puns!

Here you will find some of the funniest puns, groaners, and plays-on-words! Have fun!


Clever Dog he brings in the daily newspapers every morning
Father Potato veg jokes daughters picking their future husbands
2 guys gay jokes two guys walked into a bar
Bow Ties jokes and cartoons archers with the same score
A Dictator great jokes when penis and potato cross
Nachos april fools pranks what do you call nachos
Fish april fools day prank it hit a damn dam
Watermelons prank programs where watermelons go in summer
Twins pranks to pull no need of two photos they are same
Detective party pranks where detective sleeps
Gandhi prank records Mahatma life funny pun
Cream Cheese virus pranks what you get from Snoopy and breakfas
Egg Roll messenger pranks how you make an egg roll
Some Puns online prank four funny puns to read