Love to Jump 2 play this fun trampoline game online for free Current rating: Perfect Game (81% - based on 9355 votes)
Jail Escape Break Escape the jail by launching yourself and buying upgrades! Current rating: Good Game (77% - based on 769 votes)
Go Santa Go help Santa get ready for his big Christmas delivery Current rating: Good Game (77% - based on 1337 votes)
Fun Da Vinci shoot the ball into the basket in fun physics game Current rating: Good Game (74% - based on 1081 votes)
Stick Trampoline collect sticks (real sticks) with your stick figure Current rating: Good Game (69% - based on 2767 votes)
Bouncy Fire Fighters Fun and funny trampoline fire fighters arcade game Current rating: Good Game (68% - based on 415 votes)
Banana Dash collect the bananas and beat world record times Current rating: Good Game (67% - based on 895 votes)
Smiley Up keep the happy smileys safe in this puzzle game Current rating: Good Game (64% - based on 1420 votes)
Trampoline Jumping cool tramp trickz internet flash game. Free Play! Current rating: Average Game (58% - based on 16653 votes)
Square Man 3 third part of Mr. Squareman platform adventures Current rating: Average Game (53% - based on 570 votes)
Patcha fun and cool Halloween physics puzzle game Current rating: Average Game (53% - based on 263 votes)
Flip Master A great ragdoll physics based trampoline simulator. Current rating: Average Game (50% - based on 91 votes)
Panda Fruit Bounce jump on a trampoline and grab the different fruits Current rating: Average Game (50% - based on 211 votes)
WeirdVille reach the red post in each level in this funny game Current rating: Average Game (48% - based on 334 votes)
Flipped Out Game throw a whale to reach the target on ground. Current rating: Average Game (47% - based on 666 votes)
Kaboom use the trampoline to bounce the bombs to safety game Current rating: Average Game (47% - based on 266 votes)
Rise Online Game throw your custom built creature as high as you can Current rating: Average Game (42% - based on 454 votes)